Staff work day/Professional Development Day March 12, 2025. No school for students.

Every March, the CCSD celebrates Women's History Month, recognizing women's achievements as changemakers, activists, and heroines throughout history. We also honor their contributions to society, culture, our local communities, families, and businesses across Chambers County.

The school district would like to express our sincere gratitude and congratulations to our Child Nutrition Teams. They work tirelessly to ensure our students receive healthy, nutritious, and delicious meals. The health department has awarded each of them a perfect score of 100. Thanks for all you do and for making the lives and learning of our students easier.

The CCSD is pleased to promote CTE Month this February to highlight the importance of Career Technical Education. CTE helps develop our students for future success preparing them to be college & career ready. Highlighted are some of our shining students from our 13 CTE programs.

Special thanks to our incredible CCSD Partners in Education sponsors for supporting our February Black History programs in our school district! Your generosity helps us celebrate, educate, & inspire. We appreciate your commitment to our students, community & legendary educators!

The CCSD partnered this month with Mastery Prep to bring their ACT Boot Camp to our 11th graders at both LaFayette & Valley High Schools. These 2 days had our students in high-impact workshops with expert instructors to help them excel on next month's district wide ACT test.

Chambers County Schools will only be having a half day of instruction for students on February 26, 2025. All CCSD staff will be having professional development training that afternoon. Students will be released at 12:00 noon local time at each school.

The Child Nutrition Program provides sweet treats for CCSD students on Valentine's Day❤️

Thanks to our Partner in Education, Carpets For Kids for customizing entrance rugs for five of our schools across the county. Yesterday excited students and staff at Fairfax, LaFayette HS, Shawmut, W.F. Burns Middle & Eastside-J.P. Powell Magnet School displayed their new rugs.

Chambers County Schools will be closed on February 17th in observance of Presidents Day.

As we celebrate Black History Month, we want to take this opportunity to express our appreciation for ALL OF OUR AFRICAN AMERICAN EDUCATORS, PAST AND PRESENT. We would like to acknowledge some of our previous African American employees at the upcoming Board Meeting. We invite you to attend this special gathering honoring these extraordinary former employees. The meeting will be held at LaFayette High School’s auditorium on February 19th at 4:00 PM Central.

On Wednesday, the CCSD joined with the AU East Alabama Regional Inservice Center yesterday to recognize Mrs. Correen Long, our STEAM Teacher at the Eastside-J.P. Powell STEAM Magnet School campus for earning National Board Certification. Dr. Laura Crowe from Auburn University presented Mrs. Long with a special medal of recognition for achieving NBCT status as an educator. Congratulations Mrs. Long on this reaching this milestone accomplishment!

Kelly Education is hosting hiring events for anyone interested in becoming a substitute for the district.
Job Fair 1: Shawmut Elementary School, Friday 2.21.25, 10am-2pm Eastern Time
Job Fair 2: CCSD Central Office, Monday 2.24.25, 10am-2pm Eastern Time

The CCSD will host Mr. Willie Spears, as a motivational speaker on Mon., Feb. 3rd. Willie is to share his message on resilience with all students in grades 7-12 in 3 programs. He has a large social media following & is a former educator with over 20 years of experience. https://www.youtubeeducation.com/watch?v=E9lola3ULsI

Mrs. Wendy Robinson is the new Valley HS Principal & is with some of her VHS students (from left to right): Juniors, Victoria Castro & Makaila Adams and seniors, Madison Turnham & C.J. Heard . Today marked here seventh day on the job as the new Rams Principal for Valley H.S.

Due to a number of our students, teachers, and staff coming from areas still affected by icy road conditions, CCSD will be closed for Students and Staff on Friday the 24th. We have listened to the input from our staff and parents and made this decision for the safety of everyone in the school district. We will return to our regular schedule on Monday.

Chambers County Schools will be back in session and operating our normal schedule on Friday, January 24, 2025. The County EMA and Road Department have been assessing the roads and will treat any remaining icy spots today. Buses will run at their regular time.

We have been in contact with the Chambers County EMA this morning concerning expected conditions for tomorrow. With the current travel conditions and the uncertainty of travel conditions in the morning, Chambers County Schools will be closed tomorrow January 23rd, for students and staff. No new work will be assigned. We plan to resume normal school operations on Friday.

With the extreme cold forecasted for our area, students will learn virtually Tuesday and Wednesday. Check Google Classrooms for assignments. Stay safe and warm.

Senator Randy Price visited the Board of Education this week to present CCSD Superintendent, Dr. Sharon Weldon with a $56,000.00 donation. $36,000 is earmarked to support general educational needs for the district and $20,000 will go to Career Tech programs at Inspire Academy!